Somedays I have to stop to realize how different my life was before Mason. Prior to Mason my weekends looked incredibly different...I slept in, ate a leisurely breakfast whenever I felt like it, even took a nap on a whim. Now everything seems to be so planned out and calculated. Starting bright and early at 6am, each and every minute revolves around Mason until 7pm when he is back in bed.
The whole day hinges upon Mason's mood. If he is cranky, we spend most of the day trying to keep him happy, running him from room to room hoping to keep him entertained for longer than 10 minutes at a time. And when he is happy and the stars align, things are perfect, with lots of laughing and dancing from all parties.
But nothing compares to that incredible part of the day we refer to as nap time. Nap time is something we try not to talk about too often for fear it might disappear. Oh when it happens, and we shut his bedroom door behind us, it takes everything we have not to dance away from his room since for the next 1-2 hours we feel free and for the first time since waking up that morning - we feel like normal adults that don't have a little bald man dictating every little thing we do.
Sadly, nap time is filled with working out, showers, prepping Mason's food for the week, and laundry. It is rarely filled with pre-Mason activities such as relaxing and watching TV. But we are still free and sometimes even squeeze in a nap of our own in once and awhile. Free from the crying, the trains, exersaucers, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, and even diapers. We are adults again and it is truly magical.
Then there are the days when he fights nap time with all of his being...and we are run ragged. On these days we may or may not have a nervous breakdown alongside of Mason. We read books, put all sorts of toys in the crib, sing songs, everything and anything for that nap time to start. Because we have learned that we need nap time even more than he does.
Don't get me wrong, I love and cherish every second with Mason...especially on the weekends, but nothing compares to just one hour alone to gain back my sanity and relax a little before the week starts again. One elusive hour that feels as though is quickly gone before it even starts...