a year with mason..

I can't believe it was a year ago today that my sweet sweet Mason was born......with a baby, days bleed into weeks, weeks into months...and time truly seems to move at a faster pace.  I walk away from this year feeling older, exhausted, and living in a messier home...and at the same time feeling incredibly blessed, filled with love, and happier than I ever thought possible...

some of my favorite memories from year one -

The first time I saw your little hands and toes and realized that you were mine, my sweet 5 pound preemie that surprised me 6 weeks early - you had the most adorable fingers and toes - I remember I kept counting them over and over again in disbelief that you were really here.

How you would sleep for HOURS on end when we first brought you home and your dad and I were thinking that this baby thing was easier than we had thought...you went on to prove us wrong (extremely wrong).

I remember snuggling, lots of snuggling...while sleeping, while giggling, in bed, on the couch...my favorite thing to do with you is snuggle...I hope you always want to snuggle with me...

I remember that first time you smiled and I could not believe how incredibly cute you were...I still ask you every day "did you get cuter today?" because I seriously think you might have...

That laugh - you have a hearty, down to your belly, infectious laugh that can go on for hours.  You think your Dad is hilarious and sometimes I just sit and listen to you two giggling uncontrollably together from the other room

Picking you up from school everyday...it is easily the most amazing 30 seconds of my day walking into your classroom.  My heart fills up with so much love that sometimes I have to hold back tears...after such a long day without you...walking through that door to scoop you up makes it all worth it...

Mornings with you in the high chair and me in the kitchen...we listen to Fleetwood Mac & Bruce Springsteen while you have your 2nd of many breakfasts you require each morning as I prepare your lunch...

Seeing you with your grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles - I don't think I ever saw any of them smile as much as they did this first year with you...you have a way of making everything better.

Our Yogurt Song and our Peanut Butter & Jelly Dance...you love dancing and whenever you hear music you stop what you are doing and shake your head back and forth in excitement.

Mr. Mason, my sweetheart, honey bear, sweetums...I truly feel like the luckiest person in the world because I get to be your mom...every. single. day....I can't believe you're mine.